Monday, April 1, 2013

Is a Juvenile's Record Really Sealed?

This blog is ADVERTISING MATERIAL for Charles R. Samuels, Attorney at Law, PLLC  4908 Monument Ave., Ste. 100, Richmond, VA 23230; 804-342-1995

I have spent a lot of time over the last 10 years representing children in the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts.  One question I hear time and time again is, "Will a guilty verdict affect me later in life?"  Sometimes folks are worried about having to explain a criminal act to colleges, others are worried they could get evicted.  

Virginia law does make certain provisions for sealing and expunging a juvenile's criminal record, but there are many ways in which it could follow one into adulthood.  A few examples are:
While most juveniles will not have to deal with any long term repercussions from a conviction in Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, some will deal with repercussions for years.

Charles R. Samuels is an attorney in Richmond, Virginia practicing disability law.  He may be reached at 804-342-1995 x302.

ADVERTISING MATERIAL - Case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case.  Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case undertaken by the lawyer.